Latest Past Events

LS Lowry: The Art & The Artist

Online (virtual event)

The Lowry is home to the world’s largest public collection of paintings and drawings by LS Lowry. A large selection is on display in their permanent exhibition alongside other works on loan from private collections across the UK. The permanent collection can be viewed by using the Smartify app or website. (Individual video talks for over […]


Making the Most of your Social Media!


This training session is part of a series of training with the Arts Marketing Association looking at a specific area of audience engagement.   What is it about? Exploring the right platforms for you and your organisation. With a focus on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. How do you create a compelling story when you’re building […]


Manchester Youth Conference 2020

Online (virtual event)

The LoveWorld Starlight introduces you The Manchester Youth Conference . Live music and inspired art, on the 19th of September 2020. Young and Vibrant! Be all you can be! This event covers the wholesome aspects of life with the aim to help you maximise existing opportunities and further develop, your potentials whilst rightly, aligning your […]
