Over 30 experts in their fields offer their expertise to you in the comfort of your home!
During these new and challenging times we understand that we are all having to do things in new ways. The priority is of course how we can best support our students in their “home schooling”. However we also understand that our staff need to return to work as strong and able as possible to meet the demands of our new normal.
To this end we have scheduled a series of online sessions that tackle all the key areas to develop yourself as leaders and educators. The 30+ sessions offer a mixture of topics that will appeal to aspiring leaders, middle leaders and senior leaders. Some will be pre-recorded and some will be live sessions where you can interact.
Topics include:
Using time off effectively: planning your leadership journey and developing yourself.
Trust identity and values – 360 view
Digital transition: planning for a whole school digital transformation strategy
Culture shift: After COVID-19 What is the possible long term positive impact to the way we work in schools?
Deep Dive: How to prepare and plan for deep dives
Leadership Style and Managing in challenging times
Ofsted: The key learning from the EIF so far? What should schools be focusing on?
Deep Dive: Preparing for Deep Dive in English/Maths/Science/Humanities
Recruitment and Marketing: How to effectively create interest in your school and recruit the best candidates?
Difficult conversations: Managing difficult conversations
Leadership – How to prepare for Headship
Professional Culture – Why it matters (CPD/Collaboration)
Being the CEO
Creating diverse leadership teams
Governance: What are their roles and what is the impact of their input?
Wellbeing and workload management: strategies to support staff and students
Leadership – What makes an outstanding HoD?
Leadership – First year as AHT or DHT; what should you focus on and prioritise.
Curriculum: The three I’s – what have we learnt from inspections so far. How do we ensure our curriculum meets the needs of the NC framework, our school, community and students?
Leadership – What makes an outstanding HoY?
Leadership: Doing it differently.
Coaching: the power of coaching in developing staff and leaders
Budget: How to manage a school budget effectively and make efficiency savings.
Creating a whole school reading culture
Succession planning: How do schools develop the new leaders of the future?
Dual Coding with teachers
Leadership – things to consider for 2020/2021
Educational Excellence – Achieving high results
School Improvement – what are the priorities
Leadership Matters
SEND – An Outstanding provision
Research: a key to driving innovation & improvement
System Leadership – understanding it in MAT context
Courageous Leadership – at all levels
These are ALL free to you, you just need to register here and more details will be sent out as events appear.
We look forward to e-meeting you soon!