A day for 16 to 18-year olds to get a taster of working in the creative industry and learn new and enhance existing skills!
BBC Young Reporter is back in Manchester for Digital Cities!
This year, the BBC, SharpFutures, Discovery Education and Evidential are collaborating to deliver BBC Young Reporter Day at The Sharp Project.
The day is aimed at 16 to 18-year olds as the BBC would like to focus more on careers and hopefully provide some guidance about what to do next.
The students will take part in a range of workshops led by people working in the industry, learn new personal and professional skills and experience different elements of working in the media.
There will also be a Q & A session with SharpFutures apprentices past and present.
There will be augmented reality workshops from The Sharp Project tenants, Discovery Education, who inspire educators to go beyond traditional learning with award-winning digital content and professional development.
Evidential, who are expert witnesses and pioneers in Electronic Presentation of Evidence, will also be showcasing the latest in their development of virtual reality crime scenes.
Places are limited to 10 young people per group and as per the BBC Child Protection Policy, at least one responsible adult will have to attend and remain with the students
Please note this event is invite-only. However, if you would like to enquire about attending, email youngreporter@bbc.co.uk.