Access to Music is the UK’s first choice destination for school leavers who want to follow their passion for a career in the creative industries.
June is festival season and a time to think about new opportunities. If you are somebody who is looking to explore your creative options, then why not come along to our Open Evening taking place on Wednesday 21st June at either 6pm or 7pm?
The creative industries is one of the fastest growing sectors of the UK economy and our course offer is growing to reflect this. For 2017 we are offering new courses in Games Design and Digital Media on top of our well-established music offer.
The Open Evening will consist of presentations, tours of the facilities and the chance to ask staff and students questions. There will also be the opportunity to apply.
The event takes place in Birmingham, Bristol, Lincoln, London (Shoreditch), Manchester, Norwich and York. You will need to book onto a session starting at either 6pm or 7pm. Each session will last around one hour.